Lilypie First Birthday tickers

Monday, June 21, 2010

Dor-Dor is 2 months old!

Wow, time has been flying by.  It seems like just yesterday he was born.  With him getting big so fast, it's making the time go by fast for the deployment as well.  As much as I hate to see him getting older, it's so wonderful.  Today he had his 2 month check up, and he weighs 11 lbs, 5oz, and is 22.5 inches long.  So that's 2.5lbs weight gain and 2 inches since he was born.

Wanna hear something funny....his stats are the EXACT same as Isadora's when she was 2 months.  Weird coincidence. 

He is doing perfect developmentally as well. Giving little smile when he see's Isadora or myself, holding his head up so nice, starting to chuckle.  And of course rolling from his belly to back :)

I think the best part of having Dorian is the bond him and Isadora already have.  He LOVES her like crazy.  As soon as he hears her or she goes to him, his eye light up and he stops what he's doing.  And she loves him too.  Anytime she can't see him, she's wandering around the house yelling for him.  It's so adorable<3

Friday, May 7, 2010

2 Weeks Old:)

Dorian is now 15 days old! Time has went by so fast and I am glad Charles was able to spend the first week with us.  Dorian had his check up today and is now weighing 8lb 5oz.  According to them he's 20 inches...doesn't make sense since he was 20.5 at birth, lol.  He of course pee-d all over the table when they were getting his weight :)  He's yet to get me, haha.

He's sleeping almost 7 hours a night, which is pretty amazing.  I usually wake him to feed him, but the doctor said no need to since he's making his own schedule already :) He's such a great baby.

Friday, April 30, 2010

Thursday, April 22, 2010

Labor and Delivery

So here's the story:)

We got to the hospital around 7:15 and I got all gowned up...pretty huh! Lol. The nurse and tech came in and got my IV started and did the whole do you have this or that disease questionare. Around 9am I was checked and was 4cm, 70% and having contractions but I wasn't really feeling anything. 10am the doctor came in and I got the epidural started, then they started the pitocin and broke my water at 10:30. Charles and I just sat in the room going about our day, finally around 1pm the epidural started to wear off and I could feel the contractions. It took an hour before the anesthesiologist finally got back to the room. During that hour Charles was GREAT, he helped me breathe through it all and try to stay calm and relax. Finally at 2, I got the Epi drip started, and the doc said I was a lightweight since I barley needed half the normal dose. At 5:30 I got checked again and was now 6cm, 90% effaced and they determined Dorian was Sunny Side Up (OP) so it looked like it was going to take longer. The nurse told me to eat and then try sitting a certain position to see if we can flip him, so that's what we did. It took sitting in a squatting position and leaning forward through 2-3 contractions before the nurse came in and said "I think he flipped" with a big smile on her face. I guess she could tell by the way his hear rate was reacting to the contractions now. I let her know there was definatley more and different pressure going on. I sat through a few more contractions that way to make sure we were bringing him down, and she decided to check me at 6pm and got nice and happy and said "We're ready to push" YAY! It was like when you see it watching a Baby Story, lol. So she called the doctor who was getting ready to go home for lunch and he didn't beleive her since he had jsut checked 30 minutes ago. He came up to the room in a jogging outfit, cheked under the sheet and was like, alright, lol. Then he left the room, and as Charles would say "Like Superman" he was back in the room in his scrubs ready to go. It took 3 pushes to get Dorian's head out and 1 more for his body....and I felt NOTHING!!!! :) It was a great birth experience. Dorian Oliver came into this world at 6:16pm weighing 7lb 13.6oz and 20.5 inches tall. And he's jsut perfect.

Today we got to come home and Izzy is in awe. At first she was a little grump butt...because she wasn't able to nap until 3 something, but then once Dorian woke from his nap she began to be mommy and daddy's little helper. She even tried to take Dorian away from Charles when he was feeding him. I think she's going to be a great big sister:)

Wednesday, April 14, 2010

38 Weeks

I'm 38 weeks now, yay! Although Dorian doesn't seem to have any plans on making an early apperance. Went to the doctors today, and only gained 1lb since last week, which is nothing, yay! My BP was 116/72 which is normal, and everything else is still the same. No further progress....I was hoping something would change with all the walking I've been doing, and bouncing on the excersise ball, but nope. Doctor put me on Folic Acid for now until the birth and we are sticking with the plan of no Lovenox Injections/Coumadin as of now!!! I'm excited about that, there's still a chance it can change, the doctor wanted to look at all my medical records before making his final decison, but it's looking good. Next Wed is the induction date still....getting very excited, and a little nervous. I can't believe I will have 2 kids by next week! It seems so unreal, I don't even feel pregnant besides this huge baby in my belly moving around. The one thing I can't wait for is to be able to sleep without Tylenol again, and on my belly:)

I can't wait for Isadora to meet her big brother, and I'm very happy that Charles will most likley be here for the birth of his first son!:)

Thursday, April 8, 2010

37 Week Appt...

So we just got home from my 37 week appointment and I'm in a great mood. The doctor was awesome and made me feel a little less stressed about this whole deployment and baby waiting game. I've gained 37lbs so big deal for me:) Right now Dorian is at a -2 station, I am 3 cm dilated, and 50% effaced. Because my body is already favoring labor, we set an induction date for the 21st of April:) Hopefully Charles won't be gone by then. If he is, at least this will make things easier for me. Even though the doctor said theres a real good chance Dorian will come before then on his own. My BP was 104/54 which to me seems kinda low, but I feel pretty great:)

Other great news from the appointment is that I may not have to take Lovenox injections or be on blood thinners post partum, just Folic Acid. It's not 100% sure yet, but doctor said he'll give me a call this week and have me come in to get my homosistene levels checked to see if we can do it or not. It would be great if I didn't have to give myself shots:)

Now the only thing left is to wait it out and hope Dorian comes sooner than the 21st:)

Thursday, March 18, 2010

Labor Class...

So tonight Charles and I were prepared to take Isadora to a "Sibling Rehersal" class where they learn to change diapers, feed babies and other little things. Little did we know that we were to drop her off and go to a Labor class. No big deal really, but we weren't prepared since we didn't know. Since this is our second baby, we weren't really going to get any information out of it, but wow, it was hilarious.

First they went over everything like a normal class would, showed a video, went over what to put in our hospital bags, ect. She showed us a few massages, and then it begun, lol. She gave each couple a clothes pin and had the moms attach the clothes pin to the back of the dad's or partners arm, the most sensitive spot. She then had them keep it there for 30 seconds, then again for 60. This was to show them the pain in contractions. Although Charles said it didn't hurt, as soon as he tried to pinch me with it, I was backing away, lol.

Next came the checking out our labor and delivery and postpartum rooms. The instructor had the men up on the bed! Crazy. She had one guy lie down and two others hold his legs, and even around his stomach was the heart monitors, she then asked him to She made him change to his side, and push, she pulled out a squat bar and had him push, and then had him get on all fours to push. It was by far the best and funest birth class ever.

I just wanted to share a fun experience with everyone. When we took a class for Isadora it was by far the worst and longest 2 hours EVER, this was def. something to remember, I only wish we had a camera with us (It was in the car actually). In the end, we picked up Isadora and she got a certificate saying she completed her "Sibling Rehersal" class, and a sticker saying she was a big sister, some goodies and they even made a welcome home mommy and baby card that she got to color. :)

It was a pretty fun evening:)

Wednesday, March 3, 2010

32 Weeks...

I'm 32 weeks today, only 5 more weeks until I start trying to kick this baby out of me, lol. Everything is going smooth, no problems at all. I'm sleeping through the night perfect besides waking to potty once, maybe twice. My belly is getting nice and big, no new stretch marks to report either, yay! I've got a lot of energy back this week and have been able to cook good dinners again for Charles and Isadora. I love that, even though my belly gets in the way at the counter. Here's a fun survey I did since I'm bored:)

*When is your due date?

*What week are you in?
32nd week!

*What was your weight pre-pregnancy?

*What is your current weight? that equals a a 27lb weight gain, 5lbs less that with Izzy

*Do you know the gender of your baby? If so, what?
Yup, a baby boy

*Do you have a name picked out? What?
Dorian Oliver

*Is the child being named after someone?

*Who is going to be with you during delivery?
Hopefully my husband and thats it.

*Natural or medicared childbirth?
Not natural, lol.

*How are you feeling right about now?
Very good:)

*What was the first thing you bought for baby?
Izzy picked out an outfit for Christmas that was neutral.

*Do you feel you are ready to have a baby?
Yup, wish it was time already

*Are you excited or scared about delivery?

*Any food cravings?
Not right now, but most the pregnancy it's been Chipotle

*Anything you loved before that you absolutely cannot eat anymore?

* Anything else you'd like to share or vent about?
I think Isadora is going to be a GREAT big sister<3

Thursday, February 25, 2010

Dorians Room is done!

So Dorian's room is finally put together! Yay! And his Great Grandma sent him a huge box of clothes and blankets, but I have no idea what to do with all the blankets, since there are just way too many:) Gotta love her though.  So it looks like there's nothing else for us to buy him, besides diapers and a few little things. I'm so happy with the way his room looks! I still have to hang his name letters on the wall though.  Today begins my washing clothes frenzy so I can get them all into his dresser and sorted out.  9 more weeks to go!

Tuesday, February 23, 2010


March is going to be an exciting month:) I'm going to get a massage next weekend to hopefully ease some of this back pain I've been having from volunteering my butt off (Thanks for the recommendation Barb), I'm thinking about getting my hair re-done and cut, and then a few great girls are throwing me a small baby shower:) Nothin to fancy, just a few moms and their babies, but I'm so thankful and very excited none the less, they are such great friends!  Also we should be getting Dorians bedding in the mail and a whole box of clothes, yay! Then I can officially set the nursery up and clear all of Charles junk out of the room.

Laslty, tomorrow is my LAST day volunteering.  I'll be done with all 300 hours, which means, only books and test to take before my Associates in Early Childhood Education, yay! This also mean I'll be home with Izzy all day again, I can't wait, I miss being home with her. 

I better get my pregnant butt off here and get some much needed sleep before my last day:)

Sunday, February 21, 2010


So a friend of mine has been updating everyone on her pregnancy, so I figured I'd "try" and do the same, since we're about 10 weeks apart now.

We finally decided on a full name for our baby to be, Dorain Oliver:) We are very happy with the name we choose. We are kinda ready for him to come, but kinda not. Still waiting on a package in the mail with baby clothes and the new bedding. Today we picked up his crib mattress. So his room now has a crib and changing table, and a few little things like bouncer, tub, a few outfits, and other things Isadora used that were neutral. I've gained between 20-25lbs so far...which to me is great! Considering with Izzy I was up probably 30-35 by this time. Dorain kicks up a storm at night, and its funny how I can sleep right through them.

Besides the baby stuff, Isadora is doing GREAT! Perfect little helper. Still loves art, and of course her TV shows. She's about 27lbs and 32" tall, and her hair is growing nice and long...we actually need to get her bangs cut again, but haven't decided if we want to, or we want to let it grow out. Tough choice, but no matter what she's still adorable<3