Lilypie First Birthday tickers

Thursday, April 22, 2010

Labor and Delivery

So here's the story:)

We got to the hospital around 7:15 and I got all gowned up...pretty huh! Lol. The nurse and tech came in and got my IV started and did the whole do you have this or that disease questionare. Around 9am I was checked and was 4cm, 70% and having contractions but I wasn't really feeling anything. 10am the doctor came in and I got the epidural started, then they started the pitocin and broke my water at 10:30. Charles and I just sat in the room going about our day, finally around 1pm the epidural started to wear off and I could feel the contractions. It took an hour before the anesthesiologist finally got back to the room. During that hour Charles was GREAT, he helped me breathe through it all and try to stay calm and relax. Finally at 2, I got the Epi drip started, and the doc said I was a lightweight since I barley needed half the normal dose. At 5:30 I got checked again and was now 6cm, 90% effaced and they determined Dorian was Sunny Side Up (OP) so it looked like it was going to take longer. The nurse told me to eat and then try sitting a certain position to see if we can flip him, so that's what we did. It took sitting in a squatting position and leaning forward through 2-3 contractions before the nurse came in and said "I think he flipped" with a big smile on her face. I guess she could tell by the way his hear rate was reacting to the contractions now. I let her know there was definatley more and different pressure going on. I sat through a few more contractions that way to make sure we were bringing him down, and she decided to check me at 6pm and got nice and happy and said "We're ready to push" YAY! It was like when you see it watching a Baby Story, lol. So she called the doctor who was getting ready to go home for lunch and he didn't beleive her since he had jsut checked 30 minutes ago. He came up to the room in a jogging outfit, cheked under the sheet and was like, alright, lol. Then he left the room, and as Charles would say "Like Superman" he was back in the room in his scrubs ready to go. It took 3 pushes to get Dorian's head out and 1 more for his body....and I felt NOTHING!!!! :) It was a great birth experience. Dorian Oliver came into this world at 6:16pm weighing 7lb 13.6oz and 20.5 inches tall. And he's jsut perfect.

Today we got to come home and Izzy is in awe. At first she was a little grump butt...because she wasn't able to nap until 3 something, but then once Dorian woke from his nap she began to be mommy and daddy's little helper. She even tried to take Dorian away from Charles when he was feeding him. I think she's going to be a great big sister:)

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